About Hong Kong Centenarian Study (HKCS)

Centenarian refers to people aged 100 years old or more. They are often known as the epitome of longevity, and studying their livelihood helps different care professionals to prepare the society for the fast-ageing population.

Between 2011 and 2021, Hong Kong’s population increased by 5% (from 7.07 million to 7.41 million), while the population of people aged 80+ and centenarians increased by 44% (271,421 to 391,400) and 6-folds (1890 to 11575), respectively.

Hong Kong Centenarian Study (HKCS) keeps track of the changes in the oldest cohorts of the HK population (HKCS1 launched in 2011). The present study – HKCS2 focused on community caregiving for this group of exceptional survivors.

HKCS2 collected data from the family caregivers of local older adults aged 95 or above through telephone interviews between April 2021 and September 2022. 151 families, referred from 31 NGOs across the 18 districts, were interviewed.

HKCS2 was supported by the RGC Faculty Development Scheme (HKD 1.1 Million) to Hong Kong Shue Yan University. (Reference number: UGC/FDS15/M01/19)

If you wish to know more, please browse Hong Kong Centenarian Study (HKCS)’s Facebook Page.


2011至2021年間,香港總人口增加了5% (由7.07百萬增至7.41百萬),而80歲或以上以及百歲長者人口分別增加了44% (271,421至391,400) 及六倍 (1,890至11,575)。

自2011年第一期研究起,香港百歲老人研究旨在了解香港最年長組別的生活。本項目 – 即第二期研究聚焦如何在社區內照顧這群長壽長者。


本項目獲香港特別行政區政府研究資助局教師發展計劃資助予香港樹仁大學。(參考編號: UGC/FDS15/M01/19)


Last Updated on March 31, 2023

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